Do Something

I'm sure if you listen to Christian radio these days, you have heard Matthew West's song entitled "Do Something" that has become pretty popular. If not, here is a link to a powerful YouTube video.

This song has become very meaningful to me. It's easy to become overwhelmed and depressed when we look at events in today's news. Sometimes it's hard to know where to look for God in the brokenness and evilness of mankind. The recent stories of the schoolgirls kidnapped by terrorists in Nigeria is just heart wrenching. School shootings and bombings have become too "common."

And yet, this song reminds me that I am a part of God's plan to fix this crumbling nation and world. It's time to be the salt of the earth and the city on a hill. We won't change the world by just standing still.

Recently my kids found a cattail. They dissected the poor plant, but to their delight they found thousands of tiny seeds of fluff inside. I was entertained by their giggles as they watched the wind puff the seeds all across the surrounding yard.

And then, last Sunday, Pastor Nevin preached at Weaverland on the parable of the sower from Matthew 13:13-23. He emphasized that my productivity matters to God! I had to ask myself if I'm sowing the seeds God has called me to. Yes, sometimes my words and actions may fall on rocky or weedy soil. But it is up to God to make things grow and He, the Gardener, will cultivate the soil. Am I doing my part in furthering the Kingdom of God?

One of the main reasons my husband and I chose public schooling for our children is so we have consistent contact with unbelievers and un-churched families. We feel our heart and our calling is to get in the dirty trenches of life, build relationships, and accompany people to church with us.

As the school year comes to a close in the next few weeks, I marvel at how God can use even a 6 year old for His kingdom. My daughter does such a wonderful job at caring for people and building friendships. She's been challenging me to step out of my comfort zone and build relationships with people that would normally intimidate me with their lifestyles. Two of her closest friends plan to come to our house throughout the summer. One of them has already committed to come to our VBS in June. Wouldn't it be awesome to have to rent a 15 passenger van for the week in order to bring un-churched families and kids to Bible School with us?

Jesus went after the hurting. He went after the broken. He went after the sinners. May we constantly be reminded to do our part in sowing seeds for Jesus.  Someday God will bring in the harvest. Will you be ready and have you done your part?


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