Treasure Hunt

We all find ourselves in situations where it's hard to look for the blessings. It's so easy to focus on the negative and fill our mouths with complaints. It's easy to fill our minds with wishes of different outcomes.

I continue to read and journey through "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp and I am challenged to seek the blessings and gifts of everyday life. I love her quote on page 69: "Wherever you are, be all there. I have lived the runner, panting ahead in worry, pounding back in regrets, terrified to live in the present, because here-time asks me to do the hardest of all: just open wide and receive." Ann goes on to share how God challenged her to make a list of 1,000 gifts. Her journey of how the simple things in life brought her God-fulfilling joy again.

Life is draining. What better way to refuel our lives, than to pick out the blessings in all circumstances and bask in thankfulness!

As Ann continues in her book, she shares how an experience with her son taught her hard thankfulness. She was challenged to find God's grace even in a dark and scary time when he got his hand caught in a barn fan. She identified with a quote from Saint John of Avila, "One act of thanksgiving, when things go wrong with us, is worth a thousand thanks when things are agreeable to our inclinations."

God was quick to challenge me on this. Within hours of reading this, I was thrown into my own quest for thankfulness in the midst of a difficult situation...

I was immersed in a Frisbee game with extended family; completely enjoying the peace and serenity that comes with vacationing in the mountains. 

Then, came the clunk. The loud clunk of bone on metal. I turn to see my son writhing and screaming in pain. As I cradle him in attempts to comfort, I take a look. Blood...lots of blood. An injury to the head always produces a lot of blood, but the gnawing question immediately presents itself. Stitches?

The tears have subsided. The wound is bandaged. But the wrestling continues. My inexperienced eyes make the decision on whether or not to get medical treatment so....borderline. I just don't know. Do we let it heal on it's own and risk a scar? Do we make the 40 minute trek to the nearest hospital and risk the treatment just being glue and a butterfly bandage?

My husband and I are at odds. I want to go, he wants to stay. I pray for wisdom. I take one more look...and gasp. Instead of the wound narrowing, it seems to have gotten wider and deeper. In that moment I know, we need to go.

The 40 minute ride is completely silent. I can feel my husband's frustration. This was our last evening at the cabin and this was not how we wanted to spend it. I could feel the grumpies growing within me. And then I remembered. Find the gifts in this moment. So, one by one I began finding the subtle gifts in this unwanted circumstance. Gazing at the tree-covered hills, I realized I still had much to be thankful for. 

Even in the long ER wait. Even after the news that J did in fact need stitches. I kept looking and finding blessings. And you know what? Our moods lifted...not just mine...all of us...even the healthcare providers around us.

This was life-changing for me! Opening my eyes to the blessings God had already bestowed upon my life changed my attitude AND those around me. It wasn't me asking God for more blessing; it was me realizing and appreciating what God has already done.

So, whatever unknowns you face this week, whatever circumstances (good or bad), find the good! Find the goodness that God has already showered upon your life. Begin the treasure hunt.

That cool breeze? Gift from the Lord.

The pitter-patter of childrens' feet? Gift from our Father.

The wafting smell of baking cookies? Gift from our Provider.

The chirping birds? Gift from our Creator.

Bubbling laughter bursting from our lips? Gift from the Almighty.

I have always had the head knowledge that joy, laughter, and happiness does not come from more possessions. But I am slowly heart-learning that true inward joy, laughter, and happiness comes from being content and finding God in the daily blessings of a simple life.

"In Christ we have perfect peace and confidence. This world will give us all kinds of trials, distress and frustration. But, be full of joy, take courage, be confident and certain! For God has overcome the world and deprived it of power to harm you!" John 16:33 (AMP)


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