Idols Unplugged

It's been a week and a half since my last blog post and I feel as if my head may explode with things God has been teaching me! Our computer was out of commission for a few days due to a virus and then this week's storm knocked out our wireless connection. Whether we wanted to be or not, we were "unplugged"!

But, the absence of electronics for a few days got me thinking... about idols. The dictionary defines idols as: an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship; a person or thing that is greatly admired, loved, or revered. I'm ashamed to admit that I felt a bit lost without technology constantly at my fingertips. Anything that consumes my mind or my time is an I really want to join the millions in allowing myself to become addicted to my electronics?

Idols are still very common in certain cultures and religions. The first of the ten commandments was "You shall have no other gods before me." The Old Testament is full of examples where God detests idol worship and orders statues/idols destroyed. It's easy to excuse ourselves by saying we don't have statues of other gods that we worship. But Colossians 3:5 says,"Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry." Hmm...could it be that the greediness of the American culture is modern-day idol worship?

What are the idols in our culture today? Phones, electronics, possessions, hobbies, sports, clothing, food, jobs, money...the list could go on and I believe it is safe to assume each of us struggles with at least one particular area. Not to say that moderation of these things is sin, but I think we could all be challenged to rid ourselves of excess.

I recently heard a radio broadcast stating that today's teens can't even go 10 minutes without checking their phones. It seems to becoming a mechanical movement that is involuntary, just as blinking or producing saliva in your mouth. In an poll done by Time Magazine, it was discovered that 84% of people say they could not go an entire day without their phone. 50% of Americans sleep with their phone right next to them. Why are our lives so controlled by something in our pocket? Unfortunately, I think we've all become accustomed to seeing or being a part of the following scenarios:

- The couple that seems to be on a date, but they are not communicating with each other...just their phones.

- The parent who came to the park to play with their kids, but after posting a quick picture to Instagram, is suddenly distracted by several e-mails. The kids play on without the parent's involvement.
- The mom who desperately wants heart to heart communication with her teen, but computer games and TV seem to take precedence more often than not.
- The family reunion that has become less talking and laughter and more typing and texting.
- The father that works long hours because there is no way he would want to live with "less".

Why is the temptation so great? Why is it so enticing to settle for 'virtual reality' when we have real life to live? Why do we always want more money, more clothing, bigger houses, nicer cars?

What can we do to swim against the raging current of the "American Dream?"

At the end of life, will it matter what level I reached on Candy Crush?  Will it matter how many likes I've had on my social networking sites? Will it matter if I acquire all of my Pinterest dreams? Will it matter what kind of house I had, clothing I wore, car I drove? Nope...none of it matters.

You know what matters.

Relationships matter. It matters who is next to me in Heaven. It matters what kind of legacy I leave behind. It matters what kind of life I live for my Savior. The outward appearance means nothing; the heart means everything.

Satan has somehow tricked us into thinking that the here and now matter the most. He's lied to us that our selfish desires matter more than our relationships with others. He wants us to believe that the more we acquire, the happier we'll be.

Folks, it's a lie. All. of. it.

Will you join me? Will you get rid of the idols in your life? Instead, let's invest our time and energy into relationships. Let's seek God's heart and be obedient to His whispers.

As I pondered all these thoughts in my head, God sent this song to the radio I was listening to.  I encourage you to listen to it in your quiet time with God. Let Him examine your heart and expose your idols.


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