My Neediness

"Your needs and my riches are a perfect fit...I never meant for you to be self-sufficient...I crafted your longings and feelings of incompleteness to point you to Me...come to Me in your neediness, with your defenses down."

These words from my devotional jumped off the page at me earlier this week. I was a big, needy mess. My family was a big, needy mess.

Kids were sick with colds, coughs, vomiting, earaches, and pink eye. I had a gnawing, persistent pain in my chest that doctors were having trouble diagnosing.

I was worried. I was discouraged. I was overwhelmed. 

I had emotional needs.

I desperately clung to the promise that God will meet all my needs. (Philippians 4:19) I rested in the promise that even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I do not need to fear, for God is with me and comforts me. (Psalm 23:4) I found strength in the promise that God would uphold me and give me the strength I needed. (Isaiah 41:10)

My world felt unsteady and I had to make a conscious effort to depend on My Rock.

I had spiritual needs

It's in the darkest of valleys that we rely on the glowing radiance of God's glory to show us the way.

The events of my week continued to unfold and suddenly I found my very dehydrated self in the hospital for an endoscopy of my esophagus. I finally learned that I had an ulcer on my esophagus from medication I was taking. 

I had physical needs.

But God is SO faithful. He met my emotional needs by restoring health and joy to my family again. He met my spiritual needs by encouraging me through His Living Word. And He met my physical needs by leading the doctors to a correct diagnosis and treatment of my chest pain.

Just like this big pot of chicken noodle soup brings comfort, warmth, and healing to our sick bodies, so it is with Christ: He wants to give us comfort, warmth, and healing to our sick souls. 

Will you invite Him in so He can take care of your needs?


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