Role Model Mary

I know Christmas is over and perhaps many of you have moved on to thinking about the New Year and other things. But today's post are thoughts I continued to reflect on and decided to share anyway.

This is a photo I dug from the archives! Ten years ago, I served a mission term in India and spent 5 life-changing months there. The church we were involved with organized a Christmas play and I was asked to play the role of Mary. It was a stretching experience, but I felt so honored. The scene pictured is the portrayal of Gabriel appearing to Mary and telling her she was going to give birth to the Messiah.

Hopefully throughout this past month, God has revealed something new and exciting to you from the familiar Christmas story. This year, I really found myself identifying with Mary in a new way. These qualities caught my attention:

Her obedience to God's call even though it didn't match up with anything she ever imagined. 

Her willingness to accept God's call, no matter what it looked like to others or what they thought about her. 

Her humility to surrender her hopes and plans and let God mold her into who He desired.

Her trust and faith that carried her through dark and uncertain times.

She received life-changing news from the mouth of an angel. Her first comments are, "How can this be?" Followed by, "I am the Lord's servant, may it happen to me as you have said."

Our family has recently been presented with a life-changing request. In the decision process, we found ourselves feeling a bit like Mary probably did. Questions of, "How can this be?" rolled around in our heads. Our future suddenly no longer looks like we expected. We wrestled with our humility to surrender and obey God's call. It's taking a lot of trust and faith in God to let Him lead us down a path with many twists and turns and dark unknowns.

Maybe as you look ahead to 2015, you feel apprehensive too. My devotions from Jesus Calling on December 22 encouraged me to "Gaze at Me in silent adoration. Look for a star of guidance in your own life, and be willing to follow wherever I lead. I am the Light from on high that dawns upon you, to guide your feet into the way of Peace."

Transitions and change are often unsettling and scary. But our faith allows new things to be celebrated instead of feared. Faith doesn't automatically provide us with divine superpowers, instead it gives us the strength to accomplish what God asks of us. 

Wherever you are at in your journey through life, it's my prayer that you experience the Perfect Peace that comes from obedience and resting in our Savior. 


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