Suckers of Life & Joy

Several weeks ago, a walk to my kids' fort in our woods, resulted in me finding a tick embedded in my stomach. Since my best prediction of how long the nasty critter was attached, was only 6 hours, I was confident that I would not contract the infamous Lyme Disease.

Unfortunately, a week later I found myself battling terrible flu-like symptoms. Isn't it crazy how often we take our health for granted? I have been sick many times in my 29 years of life, but I do believe the agony I felt that day and the days that followed, trumped all other illnesses I have experienced.

Although Lyme disease still hasn't officially been confirmed, I am being treated for it as a precaution. I am baffled at how a tiny critter found a way through my layers of clothing (I was bundled up that day!), attached itself without me ever feeling or knowing, and quite possibly passed a disease onto me that, left untreated, could affect a persons' entire central nervous system!

On my sickest days, I truly felt that the tick (literally) sucked life and joy from me and left me sick and depressed and miserable.

Below is a picture of a tick in various forms of engorgement.(Gross, I know!)

If Satan (the tick) were found embedded in your skin today, how engorged would he be? Would he be barely attached or fully embedded? Is he robbing you of life and joy because he is slowly draining you dry?

If we evaluate our own, personal lives, is there life and joy being "sucked" from us without us even knowing? 

Are the holiday schedules and expectations robbing you of the wonder and awe of Christmas?

Is there a sickness robbing you of your health and life?

Are fears paralyzing you from living a happy and fulfilling life?

Is stress and busyness eating away at your purpose for life?

Then, come. Come to the Healer, the Great Physician. He will restore your health and heal your wounds.

His blood has forgiven our iniquities and He will heal our diseases. He redeems our life from the pit. (Psalm 103:3-4)


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