Servant Mom
There are several things I could blame. Perhaps, the fact that day-to-day reality after the holidays is rough. Or maybe it's all the new Christmas toys littering my floors without permanent homes yet. Or maybe it's lack of routine and having my kids off of school. Or it's just life and I need to learn to roll with it. I came home from running a few errands yesterday and I felt it the minute I walked in the door. A million things calling for my attention. Everywhere I looked I saw more work. I mentally screamed and physically glared at the dishwasher that needed unloaded, the clean piles of laundry that needed put away, the clock that told me supper needed to be made, the blinking e-mails that needed to be addressed, the stack of bills that needed paid, the bags of new purchases that needed emptied, toys that needed to be cleaned up...not to even mention the long list of projects I've been wanting to do for several months now. I felt myself drowning in a well of pi...